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Daily Digest scours the web for the latest and most relevant articles on a specific topic. Every morning, it compiles and delivers concise summaries to keep you informed quickly and efficiently. Ideal for staying updated on your favorite topics without the overwhelm of information overload.
An agent that manages the topic-specific research and aggregation process.
An agent that handles search engine results page queries.
An agent that handles web scraping using Playwright.
An agent that condenses articles into clear, concise summaries highlighting the main points.
An agent that verifies the credibility of sources and accuracy of the information in articles.
An agent that customizes the digest to fit user preferences.
An agent that manages the topic-specific research and aggregation process.
An agent that handles search engine results page queries.
An agent that handles web scraping using Playwright.
An agent that condenses articles into clear, concise summaries highlighting the main points.
An agent that verifies the credibility of sources and accuracy of the information in articles.
An agent that customizes the digest to fit user preferences.