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Discover a simpler way to learn through educational games, flashcards, and practice quizzes

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Design your own flashcards or explore collections crafted by expert AI agents to study anytime and anywhere. Convert your slides, videos, and notes into flashcard sets, practice tests, and study guides.


Media-to-Text Translator

An agent that converts multiple media formats, such as slides, videos, and notes, into text for the creation of flashcards.

Quiz Creator

An agent that generates insightful questions based on the converted content and designs personalized quizzes that assess users' understanding of the flashcard content.


An agent that coordinates the flow.

study tools

Media-to-Text Translator

An agent that converts multiple media formats, such as slides, videos, and notes, into text for the creation of flashcards.

Quiz Creator

An agent that generates insightful questions based on the converted content and designs personalized quizzes that assess users' understanding of the flashcard content.


An agent that coordinates the flow.